Our Services

Our professional and skilled team offer a range of accountancy and financial management services. We cover everything you need to ensure your business, voluntary or community organisation follows efficient financial practices and meets your HMRC and employee obligations.

We take care of all aspects of your payroll administration, leaving you free to focus on other activities.

What payroll service includes

  • Calculation of staff salaries (incl. overtime, bonus, additional pay)
  • Provide payslips for each member
  • Calculate Tax (PAYE) and National Insurance contributions
  • Provide breakdown of payments to staff and Inland Revenue
  • Calculate Statutory payments (SSP, SMP, SPP)
  • Complete End-of-year returns
  • Offer advice and support on any employment issues
  • Give up to date information on Tax and salary issues
  • Keep record of all payments as well as provide all documents to Inland Revenue if requested.

We also offer advice and support on employment, tax and salary issues.

We provide accurate and thorough bookkeeping services to ensure your financial records are up to date and your financial transactions are logged correctly.

You’ll receive regular reports giving you a clear summary of your financial transactions. Not only will you free up staff time, you’ll also know that your organisation is in control of your finances, prepared for tax commitments, managing expenses efficiently and ready for audit.

Would you and your colleagues benefit from improving your financial skills?

Our one-day courses are designed to help you and your team build skills in key areas from budgeting to project accounting, understanding financial statements and financial procedures. We even offer specialist courses on financial management for trustees as well as courses in bookkeeping, payroll and tax returns.

For more information on - [Our Training Courses].

Tax Returns
We can take the stress out of filing your tax return by completing your end of year tax return and file it online with HMRC. We can also liaise with HMRC on your behalf to answer initial queries and support you if further questions arise.

Audit/Independent Examination
We can provide auditing and independent examination services to meet Charity Commission and Companies House financial reporting and auditing requirements.

Consultancy & Advice
We combine our skills, knowledge and qualifications with our extensive experience of providing financial services for a range of business and voluntary organisations to bring the latest advice and guidance to our clients. Our financial consultancy service helps you deal with unexpected questions, establish best practice across your financial operations and prepare your organisation for a strong financial future.

Contact Info

London Accountancy Practice
Sojourner Truth Centre
161 Sumner Road
London. SE15 6JL
United Kingdom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laplondonaccoun1/with_replies
E-mail: admin@laplondon.co.uk
Telephone: 0207 708 5999 Fax: 020 7708 3172